5 Best Reasons for Buying a House in a Gated Community

Buying a House in a Gated Community


Buying a House in a Gated Community

City dwellers are increasingly turning to gated communities in their quest for home ownership. Buying a house in a gated community means that you will be living close to the city. However, the estate’s barriers effectively eliminate the chaos that is frequently associated with urban environments.

What Is A Gated Community?

A gated community is a property that hosts multiple houses and has clear and enforced boundaries to control who goes in and out. Such estates give their owners a feeling of exclusivity and security mainly because they tend to have a perimeter wall and entry points, which are constantly monitored.

Nowadays, many city families prefer to buy a house in gated communities instead of building in their rural homes. A gated community allows you to quickly get to your workplace in the city. Other estates even provide pickup points for school-going children.

Here are 5 Benefits of Living in a Gated Community:

1.   Security

It is a no-brainer that gated communities offer better security to their residents. The estates often have a perimeter wall and designated entry points. The estate gates are monitored on a 24/7 basis, with some communities strictly enforcing who goes in and out. Therefore, you can expect little to no criminal activity in a gated community compared to townhouses or apartment blocks. In addition to security personnel, such housing communities also employ modern surveillance that monitors the goings-on in the estate.

2.   Multiple Amenities

A gated community normally sits on a sprawling piece of land. Such a property has ample parking space and can host multiple amenities for its inhabitants. Therefore, you will often get a playground for your kids and green spaces for relaxing. Also, some communities include a members-only fitness center, shops, social halls, and cafes. Additionally, members are guaranteed constant water supply from water tanks on-site and power backups.

Buying a House in a Gated Community

3.   A Sense of Community

After buying a house in a gated community, you’ll quickly familiarize yourself with the neighbors. Shared spaces such as playgrounds allow your kids to interact with other children. Young families living in the city prefer gated communities because they enhance the growth and development of their children. Also, the places mimic traditional African settings where children are raised by the whole village.

On-site cafes and shops equally enhance the sense of communal living as occupants can interact at these points. The ability to socialize also heightens the security of gated communities because it becomes easy to spot outsiders with ill intentions.

4.   Exclusive and Serene Environment

Since a gated community sit on an expansive property, there is ample space, unlike apartment blocks. Also, the erected barriers and manned gates keep the chaos of city life away from the living space. Public transport is rarely allowed to access gated communities, with some estates strictly prohibiting noisy bodabodas.

The result is that homeowners can enjoy a serene environment with minimal noise and disturbances. Other developers include exquisite greenery in shared spaces. These parks equally enhance the quality of life in gated communities.

5.   Minimal Traffic

The major mode of transport inside a gated community is walking or cycling. Cars must also adhere to strict speed limits, while public transport is expressly prohibited. Shared spaces in these properties usually host playgrounds for children, and traffic restrictions enhance their safety.

Strict access control also means that non-resident vehicles cannot use the estate as a shortcut. Therefore, noise and smoke levels from cars and motorcycles are low, which enhances the quality of life in the gated community.

Disadvantages of Buying a House in a Gated Community

A gated community is a dream for many Kenyans, especially newlyweds looking to settle down. However, it’s not all roses and sunshine because there are a few downsides to buying a house in a gated community.

Buying a House in a Gated Community

Higher Cost of Owning a Home

Houses in a gated community tend to be more expensive than other standalone homes. A gated community houses fewer houses and has plenty of social amenities catering to its inhabitants. Consequently, the exclusivity, security, and demand accompanying gated communities drive up the prices of such properties.

Additionally, residents often have to pay regular utility costs for the duration of their stay in the estate. Sometimes, you may have to pay for road repairs while not owning a car.

You Get Better Privacy by Building Your House

Gated communities are set apart from other neighborhoods with walls, and entry points are closely monitored. However, there may be no barriers between houses. As a result, you may not enjoy the same privacy as building your home.

Also, some security measures may seem intrusive to the private lives of inhabitants. Visitors are usually screened before getting approved to enter an estate. In other estates, delivery personnel aren’t allowed into the premises, and you’d have to pick up your items from the gate.

Strict Guidelines Around Social Gatherings

In some places, you would need permission from the security department before hosting a small event. Things tend to become complicated if you are expecting visitors who do not live in that estate. Moreover, since public transport is not allowed, your upcountry guests will have a hard time accessing the venue.

One of the upsides of a gated community is its heightened sense of security. However, this obsession with who comes and goes into the estate interferes with the social lives of residents. Consequently, some residents would prefer to host parties and events away from home to avoid dealing with the estate’s hurdles.

Wrapping Up

A gated community is ideal for raising a young family, especially if you live in the city. You’ll have easy access to all the benefits of urban living while enjoying a serene and secure living space. Also, the communal setting is perfect for bringing up your kids.

Such estates have many amenities for kids and adults alike. Besides improving the quality of life, features like cafes and social halls enhance the spirit of the community. Nevertheless, buying a house in a gated community has some drawbacks you must consider before making the leap.


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